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Heather's Story: The Beginning

My name is Heather and life is a wonderful adventure! I am truly blessed to be a mother of an amazing three year old little boy! He is the beat to my heart and my heart is so full of love and gratitude. I am incredibly blessed!

In this blog I will be sharing tips and advice about pregnancy, emotional and physical well being and the importance of knowing you matter and are worth it! I am a single mom and learn my worth more and more each day! I am in an amazing chapter of my life and look forward to sharing more with you.

It has been a journey to get to where I am today, I lost myself for some time, I am in recovery and am proud at how far I have come. I have spent a lot of time reading self help books and challenging negative thoughts. I know that God made me perfectly just as I am. I am so grateful to be where I am today and to have a beautiful son to experience the big world with now. I found out I was pregnant and was just starting to rebuild my life when I found out. I immediately knew I was going to have this baby and my life felt like it had purpose! I was nervous and excited and a bit worried about money. I had just moved back to New Jersey to stay with my mom, and "Googled" looking for help. It was a Godsend that I found information about The Open Door Pregnancy Center.

I called the Open Door and was able to go right in. I immediately knew this was going to be amazing. Everyone was so nice and inviting and the help I received was more than I could have ever asked for. I was able to go shopping monthly for clothes and necessities that were needed for my baby. That was surprising, helpful, and fun! They also helped with parenting classes. After I had my son, I was able to continue to attend for awhile and then I started going to the Single Mom’s Bible Study and have been going ever since! Needless to say The Open Door has been a huge positive influence in my life!

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